
Deb Alcadinho

Andrea Ting-Luz

Deb Alcadinho

Founder & Chief Impact Officer

“Quite simply, I want to make the world a better place. I think as business owners, we all want to make a difference, many aren’t sure how or where to start. I created Business 4 Social Good and the Social Good Academy to provide the tactical, strategic framework to create social impact, filled with meaning, purpose and heart so business owners can wrap their head and heart around the causes they care about to create meaningful change.”

Deb Alcadinho is a social entrepreneur, social impact expert, speaker, educator, consultant, and #1 bestselling international author. Deb is the founder of Business 4 Social Good™️ and the creator of the Social Good Academy™️.

Deb trains women entrepreneurs to lead with purpose and impact and to make a difference on issues important to them in their community, with a framework to make real and positive change while growing their businesses profitably and sustainably.

Her proprietary framework rooted in the United Nations Global Goals helps companies move beyond corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility, to fully embed social impact into business. Her framework provides a deep step-by-step way to envision, integrate, amplify & measure social impact so companies can be a vehicle for change, working toward solving social, environmental, humanitarian or cultural challenges important to them, in their community or around the world. When done right, social impact results in easier employee retention & acquisition, increased customer loyalty and community engagement, and increased profit.

After four decades of owning businesses, working for companies and non-profits, being employed by government, and always having a philanthropic heart, she embarked on her own quest to have more impact than philanthropy, on the issue of helping to end violence against women and girls.

Deb speaks virtually and in-person on stages at conferences and summits, guest lectures at Queen’s University and Royal Roads University, guests on podcasts, runs workshops and training sessions, and consults with clients.

In the new era of conscious consumerism and conscious capitalism, leading with purpose and impact is essential for businesses to thrive and survive.

In 2023 I co-authored a book with forty-four other women entitled Voices of the 21st Century: Women Transforming the World, which became an Amazon International #1 bestseller. I’m very proud of this book and in my chapter I share how my journey has led to this moment of working on this important cause and empowering other businesswomen to take a stand and contribute toward a cause they are passionate about.

This co-authored book contains chapters from 45 contributing women around the globe that will both inspire and give pause to the reader. The authors share their personal transformations, some through struggles and challenges, others through triumphs and celebrations. They courageously challenge the status quo, bring light to once-dark topics, and introduce new ways of thinking.

When I’m not working, you’ll find me in the forest or by the ocean, soaking up all nature’s gifts and bringing them to life in photography or on the dinner table gathering family or friends.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
~ Mother Teresa


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