
Our Impact

“As the founder of Business 4 Social Good™️, I’m committed to raising awareness about, and ending, human and sex trafficking in Canada. Almost 40 years ago I was trafficked at a time when this issue wasn’t talked about.” Deb Alcadinho, Founder & CEO | B4SG 

(While this is our cause, we’ll help you find yours).

How can a woman be the best version of herself, grow to be a leader or changemaker if her life is abruptly changed at the hands of one who trafficked her, puts her into modern slavery, or other forms of exploitation and abuse? We must put a stop to this crime.



Partnership & Advocacy

The Joy Smith Foundation is Canada’s leading authority on human and sex-trafficking prevention, intervention and support for survivors. To date, they have helped over 7,000* human trafficking survivors and their families restore their lives by reuniting, healing and integrating back into their communities. (*as of 2022)

In our partnership with The Joy Smith Foundation, we are committed to lending our voice, time, talent and contributions to bring awareness to the issue and their great work 


For every student enrollment in our Social Good Academy™️  or Social Purpose Playbook™️ courses, we contribute 5% to the Joy Smith Foundation and their National Human Trafficking Education Centre.

In every training cohort, we offer one scholarship opportunity for an underserved female business owner, Please contact us for more information. 


Working with the Joy Smith Foundation, we will host their instructor-led information sessions for communities across Canada on the issue of human trafficking. Education is our greatest weapon to stop this crime.

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We will engage and help educate our team, contractors, faculty, customers, and community on this important issue. And we’re committed to exploring other opportunities in the future.

voices of the 21st Centtury: Women Traansforming the World

In 2023 I co-authored a book with forty-four other women entitled Voices of the 21st Century: Women Transforming the World, which became an Amazon International #1 bestseller. I’m very proud of this book and in my chapter I share how my journey has led to this moment of working on this important cause and empowering other businesswomen to take a stand and contribute toward a cause they are passionate about. This co-authored book contains chapters from 45 contributing women around the globe that will both inspire and give pause to the reader. The authors share their personal transformations, some through struggles and challenges, others through triumphs and celebrations. They courageously challenge the status quo, bring light to once-dark topics, and introduce new ways of thinking. Book sales support the Joy Smith Foundation. 


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